Wednesday, March 29, 2006


this pic was taken in Dan Hag mn6e8a jreeb Roterdam.

- i want to be metfaw8a aba ayeeb A's o B+
- aba a5ale9 eljam3ah bser3a
- aba at3alam swaga
-aba a7fa'6 el8ur2an kamel
- aba 7ad yslem 3ala eedy

Monday, March 27, 2006


elsalam 3laikom wra7mat allah wbarakateh.
everypersons mood changes from time to time. my mood can be changed so easily .. except when my mood is about death, fearing death no one can change it except another day i mean when i sleep the next day comes then my mood changes. mostly this mood comes to me at night i start fearing death. ams yzaha alla 5air widad lootah gave us a lecture fel mseed ely 3nd baitna. i really really liked it. she told us the story of thawban ra'6iya allahu 3anh + 3alamah men 3alamat yoom el8iyamah el9o'3ra enah there will be Jahel. she told us enah al7een etshofoon wa7ed ma5eth majestair o che metfawe8 fel major eli ho feeh laken when u come and ask him an easy question like 3adedly asma2 zawjat elrasool he wont know. he is metfawe8 fe dinyah laken have he thought of etfa8ehing in his religion. iam not saying he shouldnt be etfawe8ing in his major no but at least he should know enough about his religion. poeple these days nader accept the a7kam of their religion Rarly .. when u tell them a'3ani 7aram they say sho eldaleel hatha 9a7ee7 or mb 9a7ee7 o la fe 3olama2 25telfo o madre sho they give u million 3ether 3shan not to accept it. cuz they dont want to laken when u tell them u know enah an apple a day keeps the doctor away y3ni el apple wayed mofeed o 9e7i oooh really they beleive it 3ala 6ool they wont go tell u who told u mno gal sho darach? yebeeli elsite ely ybteeh el m3loomah or elktab? will they? and she also told us the story of some poeple who talk about others, '3ayba o nameema. about this subject i would recommend that u should get this tape mal m7amad el 3eraify (8i9at Sajeen) its about '3eeba and nameema.
i day dream alot 5a9atan when iam studying wayed asra7 aseer fe 3alam thani 3alam of my own thoughts. i imagine things that didnt happen or i start remembering things of old days. i dream alot. sometimes when i share my thoughts with my cousins eygolooli enty wayed tet5ayelain. i enjoy et5ayeling it doesnt make me feel bored.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Plucking eyebrows?!

many Womens pluck their eyebrows lel2asaf and thats so sad to hear that they are muslims?
true many and many old and young. its really sadfull cuz they are all mal3oneen.
do they really know what it really mean, i dont think so cuz they all know ina its 7aram and they all know the disadvantage of it but why pluck it (running after their desires that will lead to no good).

‏حدثنا ‏ ‏إسحاق بن إبراهيم ‏ ‏أخبرنا ‏ ‏جرير ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏منصور ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏إبراهيم ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏علقمة ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏ لعن ‏ ‏عبد الله ‏ ‏الواشمات ‏ ‏والمتنمصات ‏ ‏والمتفلجات ‏ ‏للحسن المغيرات خلق الله فقالت ‏ ‏أم يعقوب ‏ ‏ما هذا قال ‏ ‏عبد الله ‏ ‏وما لي لا ألعن من لعن رسول الله وفي كتاب الله قالت والله لقد قرأت ما بين اللوحين فما وجدته قال والله لئن ‏ ‏قرأتيه لقد ‏ ‏وجدتيه ‏
‏وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا ‏

do they love their prophet do they love allah sub7anah wata3ala?? sure they'll say yes. if u love someone u really really love that someone would u do whatever he she tell u? yes ok then if they really do really do love Allah sub7anah wata3ala then why would they want to be out of his ra7mah and mal3oneen and hated i really feel that the people who pluck their eyebrows are EVIL, BAD.
they are either stupid or what should i say?? esta'3ferallah y3ni u really feel so sad for them u feel pitty for them cuz its so easy to understand that this is 7aram if u told kids dont eat pork its 7aram they wont eat it and when u tell grown ups dont pluck ur eyebrows its 7aram they do it????? are kids better than them maybeee. cant they know??????? ALLAH yehdeeeHum enshalla o ya36eehum el3agel to understand whats the MEANING of LA3EN..
i was so annoyed today yoom srt el9aloon chft two girls plucking their eyebrows eww they looked so evil i couldnt even talk to them madasho galby 3afanallah..
لَعَنَ يَلْعَنُ لَعْنًا :- طرده وأبعده من الخير........غَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ ولَعَنَهُمْ
do u they like being ma6rodeen men ra7mat allah sub7anah wata3ala???